Date Published: 
July 11, 2024

How to Start Running Facebook and Instagram Ads for Lead Generation Campaigns

Follow our step-by-step guide to optimize your ads, target the right audience, and capture valuable lead with Faceboook and Instagram Advertising

Quick Guide for Facebook Business Manager Lead Campaign Launch

Starting a Facebook Business Manager lead generating campaign can help your company greatly increase its ability to grab and convert possible clients. This article will walk you through all stages to make sure Facebook's tools to create quality leads are maximized.

Stage 1: Complete Guide for Facebook Business Manager Creating Your Account Starting a Lead Campaign

Step 1: Start by visiting Facebook Business Manager.

  • Find Facebook Business Manager by visiting this page.
  • Connect via Facebook credentials. Create an account using the on-screen instructions if you do not now have one.

Step 2: Design or choice of your company page comes second.

  • From your dashboard in Business Manager, choose the business page you now have that you'd like to connect
  • If you don't have a business page, follow the directions on the "Add Page" button to create a new page.

Step 3: Third step: add your advertisement account.

  • Check the Business Settings.
  • Choose "Ad Accounts," within "Accounts."
  • Click "Add," then use the directions to open a new or add an already-existing ad account.

Stage 2: Developing Your Principal Campaign

Step 4: Found the ads manager?

  • Click "Ads Manager," straight off the Business Manager panel.

Step 5:  Start a new campaign.

  • Green "Create" button click right here.
  • For your marketing purpose, go with "Lead Generation".

Step 6: Project Title

  • Explain your marketing as something unique that reflects its goal (for example " [Business Name] Lead generation campaign [#x] [date]") so you can later track each campaigns performance more efficiently if you run multiple at the same time.

Stage 3: Designing Your Campaign

Step 7: Defining your campaign settings.

  • Plan and budget for your campaign. You have either a daily or lifetime budget option.
  • Set start and end dates to determine the length of your campaign.

Step 8: The eighth step should be choosing your target audience.

  • Set up your target audiences according to behavior, demographic, hobbies, interests, pages they might follow, and much more.
  • With Facebook's sophisticated targeting choices, you can find the very accurate audiences.

Step 9: Select Your Ad Sites

  • Choose where you'd like to have your advertisements displayed. You can choose "Optional" where you can customize your placements depending on your preferences, or choose "automatic" placements.
  • Placements are the ad format options meta supports (i.e. it can appear as a"post" in your audience's feed, as a story on Instagram and/or Facebook, as a video reel, and much more), also decide if you'd like to place the ads both on Instagram AND Facebook, or only Instagram or only on Facebook.

Stage 4: Writing the Primary Form

Step 10: Layout Your Ad Set

  • Choose the Facebook page that's will be running your lead gen campaign, and name your ad set.
  • If you haven't done so, make sure to accept Facebook's Lead Ads Terms of Service.

Step 11: Write Your Leading Form.

  • Click "New Form" to generate a fresh lead form.
  • Select whether "More Volume" (Higher quantity of leads) or "Higher Intent" (Higher quality of leads) best matches the objectives of your campaign.

Step 12: Perfecting your form.

  • You can insert an optional introduction to your form, maybe using a title and a logo/picture.
  • Ask the questions you want possible answers from. Add basic contact information such name and email and phone number. Then, think about adding custom questions relevant to your company. This can help you qualify leads.
  • You'll need to add a link to your privacy policy to meet Facebook requierements.
  • Tailor a thank-you note for customers who completed and submited the form. Attach a call-to-action button pointing consumers to your website, a calendar page, or any other action you'd like them to take.

Stage 5: Sharpening Your Marketing

Step 13: Create Your advertisement.

  • Select the format of your ad: carousel, single image, single video, slideshow, or collection
  • Select an the ad creatives [design(s) or video(s)] you've created for this campaign. If you have not created an ad yet, you can do so using Canva's ad templates or any other design/video editing tool of your preference. Make sure to keep ad creatives simple, with a clear and to to the point message/offer, and easy to understand and read. Make sure to add captions if you're going to be running videos.
  • Add your ad's headline, primary text, and link descriptions. Use simple language to precisely present your offer. KEEP IT SIMPLE and to the point. Remember, "Simplicity Scales, Complexity Fails."

Step 14: Reviewing your advertisement

  • Verify whether your advertisement looks good on every chosen ad format.
  • Change whatever required elements of your text or images.

Step 15 (optional): Link To Your Website

Another good strategy is to direct leads to your website. They can sign-up there instead of using Facebook’s lead form. This approach is best suited for individuals who already have a working website with integrated calendars and/or CRM’s, and need to explain/sell their offer beyond what’s presented in the Ad itself. This approach combines Facebook's excellent targeting powers with the full lead collection capability of your website and other customer management tools.

Step 16 (optional): Create a Landing Page.

Creating a customized landing page for your specific offer, product or service is also a very powerful strategy. Landing pages are designed to make leads take ONE specific action rather than navigate your whole website. Hence, landing pages should not have any "escape links" (links that can take leads elsewhere from where you want them to go).

Therefore, your landing page must be very simple, have a nice user-friendly design, explain your offer clearly and effectively, and have only ONE call-to-action (Call us now, Book a Call, Buy Now, Get Access Now, Sign-up Now, Submit Request, etc). After, Redirect leads to a "thank you page" once they have completed the intended action. This is to ensure our tracking is as precise as possible. i.e. we will track when someone clicks on the ad, then reaches the landing page, and when they reach the reaches the thank you page. This data can later help you optimize your campaigns more effectively.

Creating a landing website will help you capture and monitor leads easier due to Meta's pixel's tracking capabilities, and the ability to create an integrated experience that connects your ad, with your landing page, and the next step in your funnel (confirmation emails/SMS/phone calls, reminder emails/SMS/phone calls, follow up emails/SMS/phone calls).

Make sure to add important components such a impactful headlines/titles, and use a short, convincing language. Add reviews and/or case studies for social proof. This will help you communicate confidence, trust and show people that you're a true professional that has a track record, and can be trusted.

Step 17 (optional): Link Your Ad to the Landing Page

  • In the ad creation phase, the phase of advertising development, select "Website".
  • Then enter the URL of your landing page to which you 'd like to send traffic to.
  • Ensure the landing page URL is correctly set in your ad to avoid any broken links or redirections.

Step 18:  Optimize Your Landing Page for Conversions

  • Keep the sign-up form short and only ask for essential information to reduce friction and increase conversion rates.
  • Show consumers striking images and a clear CTA to help them to complete the form.
    Link a privacy statement to warn guests their data is under security.

Stage 5: Starting and Running Your Campaign

Step 18: Publish Your Campaign

  • Click "Publish" to start your running you Facebook and Instagram Ads campaign. It will start to run once your ad and lead form have been approved. Please note: It might take a few hours for you ads and lead form to be reviewed and approved by Meta.

Step 19: Monitor and Optimize Your Campaign

  • Regularly check the performance of your campaign in Ads Manager.
  • Use Facebook’s analytics tools to track key metrics such as impressions, clicks, and lead submissions or conversions (on landing page)
  • Adjust your targeting, budget, and ad creatives as needed to optimize performance. Simlply optimize your campaigns towards the audiences that are getting you the best results. For example, if you start seeing that certain interests are getting you more clicks/results, turn off the ones that don't and test new ones, and if you notice a certain age group is getting you the most conversions or sign-ups, make sure to turn off the ones that are not performing as well. This will help you be as efficient as possible with your ad budget and maximize you ROAS (Return On Ad Spend).

Step 20: Follow Up with Leads

  • Integrate your leads with your CRM system or download them directly from Facebook.
  • Follow up promptly with personalized messages or offers to convert your leads into paying customers.

Best Practices for Lead generation Campaigns in Facebook and Instagram Ads

Think about these basic approaches to guarantee the success of your lead generating project:

  1. Use A/B testing to identify among several ad variations which most appealing. Test several Call To Actions (CTAs), pictures, and headlines to execute your campaign as best it should.
  2. Your advertisement copy should use straightforward, unambiguous language. Clearly clarify what you are providing as well as your expected behavior of the user.
  3. Check your landing pages and lead forms are mobile compatible. Given that so many Facebook users access the network on mobile devices, perfect mobile experience is vitally vital.
  4. Retargeting tools on Facebook will help you find people who came across your advertising but did not convert. Retargeting can keep you first-of-mind and inspire consumers to finish registering.
  5. Lead forms among other data privacy rules should comply GDPR and CCPA. Clearly identify your intended use for the obtained data and provide the choice to opt-off.
  6. Install Facebook Pixel on your page to record conversions and compile fascinating user engagement statistics on your website. Using this information will help you to increase the degree of targeting and maximize your efforts.
  7. Establish lookalike audiences depending on your current leads or clients. This helps you to attract fresh customers similar to your greatest ones, so raising the possibility of conversion.
  8. To inspire customers to share their contact information, think about providing specials materials, free trials, or discounts.
  9. Make sure your ads and landing pages always accurately capture your brand identify. Consistent branding, for your audience, increases awareness and confidence.
  10. Frequent change of your ad creatives and fresh idea testing can help your campaign remain current. This eliminates ad fatigue and keeps your readers engaged.
  11. Including case studies and quotes on your landing pages and adverts can help to establish confidence and credibility with likely leads.

SimpleLab Digital's Facebook and Instagram Ads: Our Proudest Service

Starting a Facebook Business Manager lead producing campaign can help you to draw in and seize possible clients. Following these guidelines and best practices can help you to produce successful lead advertising that connects with people, creates traffic, and turns leads into dedicated consumers. Whether your leads or website point to a lead form, optimizing your campaign for conversions can help you to meet your marketing objectives.

In planning and execution of successful lead generating initiatives, SimpleLab Digital excels. Our knowledgeable staff can assist you to use Facebook's features to increase your company's size and meet your marketing goals. Set up a consultation with our experts right now to set you on the road of digital success.

About The Author

Adrick Ciangherotti

Digital Director

Empowering SMBs with Digital Marketing, Automation, and Ad Creation

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